Tag: solicitor

Parental Alienation February 2020

On 27 February 2020 the House of Commons Library published a Briefing Paper entitled: Children parental alienation and the role of Cafcass (England). The issue of parental alienation has come to the fore in recent years, with more parliamentary questions than ever before being raised on the issue of parental alienation and the impact that it can have on children and how the Family Courts...


Parental Alienation February 2020

Williams Thompson Backs National ‘No Fault Divorce’ Campaign

With 1.7m divorcing couples compelled to assign blame, our team of Family Law Solicitors have joined urgent calls for divorce law reform in England and Wales. Two members of the Williams Thompson Team, Emma Hamilton Cole Partner & Head of Family Law and Family Solicitor Charlotte Millard, are keen to highlight the current legal requirement to assign blame during divorce proceedings. This destabilising requirement is...


Williams Thompson Backs National ‘No Fault Divorce’ Campaign

Emma Helps to Give Children a ‘Voice’ in Divorce Decision Making

We are pleased to announce that Emma Hamilton Cole, who is both Partner and Head of Family Law at our firm, has successfully completed her Child Consultation Qualification training. Enhancing her professional expertise, Emma is now one of only a handful of solicitors locally who are qualified to talk with children as a part of mediation meetings in which arrangements are being made for a...


Emma Hamilton Cole, Williams Thompson