Author Archives: Darren


How to Prepare Care Home Funding with Future Planning
in Williams Thompson News

How to Prepare Care Home Funding with Future Planning

The time may come when a loved one can no longer live comfortably without assistance. The usual step for people in this situation is to move into a care home, but this can be costly. This is why care home funding is an important topic of discussion, especially in Dorset, the home of Williams Thompson, where 28.7% of the population is over 65 years old....


07 May 2019
Williams Thompson Solicitors are Sponsoring Autism Wessex’s Accept My Autism Campaign
in In the Community

We’re Sponsoring Autism Wessex’s Accept My Autism Campaign

We’re pleased to announce that Williams Thompson is sponsoring the Accept My Autism campaign this April. Having supported Autism Wessex for over 6 years, Williams Thompson has a close relationship with the charity, and campaigns such as Accept My Autism are vital for the work they do for charities. This year, we have decided to sponsor the brand new Accept My Autism campaign. Autism affects...


27 Mar 2019
your options without lasting power of attorney
in Lasting Powers of Attorney

Your Options Without a Lasting Power of Attorney

Who can make decisions on your behalf? According to the Office of the Public Guardian Annual Report, in 2017/2018 the number of Lasting Powers of Attorney registered by the Court was 770,995. What is a Lasting Power of Attorney? A Lasting Power of Attorney is a document that enables an individual (the donor) to appoint a person, or persons, to handle their affairs in the...


26 Feb 2019
The Most Magical Time of the Year …. unless you’re going through family break up
in Williams Thompson News

The Most Magical Time of the Year …. unless you’re going through family break up

Christmas can be the most magical time of year but what if you’re a family going through a break up, with parents living separately? What then? For divorced or separated parents, Christmas can be an ordeal fraught with anxiety, stress, and loneliness. Something to be endured rather than enjoyed. For children, they, too, can be feeling anxious and confused and worried how they are going...


14 Dec 2018
Emma’s in the Finals!
in Williams Thompson News

Emma’s in the Finals!

What a brilliant end to the year for us! Our Head of Family Law, Emma, has reached the finals of the prestigious Dorset Legal Awards in the Partner of the Year category. This is a fantastic achievement and wonderful recognition of the professionalism, dedication, passion and sheer hard work that she brings to her role every single day.  It’s also a reflection of the great...


07 Dec 2018
Williams Thompson Solicitors Launch Modern Facilities
in In the Community, Williams Thompson News

Williams Thompson Solicitors Launch Modern Facilities

Williams Thompson Solicitors are hosting a special launch event celebrating the opening of their modernised Reception Area on Bridge Street in Christchurch. Williams Thompson Solicitors LLP is holding a dedicated launch event at their newly renovated Christchurch offices on Bridge Street. Taking place on Tuesday the 12th July, between 5:30pm and 7:30pm, invited guests will have the opportunity to meet the firm’s expert team, with...


11 Jul 2016
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